Saturday, 11 August 2007

Saturday, again.

Well, didn't get up until almost noon, then I found out I had a migraine. (yuck.)
So, today has been a lazy day, again. I slept on and off until 4pm, the migraine had lessened a fair bit by then.
The noisy neighbours came back from wherever they went away to. These people are unable to have a conversation in normal tones outside their house. They are always on full volume, two weeks back, one of the household had come outside to talk on their mobile phone. If the person they were speaking to was in the town...they wouldn't have needed a mobile. (So loud, and this was about 11pm at night!)
All is quiet here, daughter out in Blackpool, and boys at their Dad's...just me and the dogs. Think I might have an early night.
Have almost finished my has been hard work reading this one, have never rerad a book that I need to prop on something to read before

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