A couple of days ago I was talking to Mum on the phone. I don't know how the subject came up, but we got around to books. We both read a lot, so not really surprising. Anyway, Mum mentioned that she wanted to find some books for her twin sister, that Aunty keeps talking about. Apparently my Aunty S had lent them to grandma and when grandma died they found out she had lent them on to someone else. My Aunty S particularly likes the series of books in question, and Mum wanted to know if they were still available. Mum and Dad don't have a PC, or want one, but she knew I'd be able to find out for her.
That was Friday evening, early. Within the hour I rang back to tell her the books are out of print, so charity shops and amazon are the best bet. Mum wasn't sure of the title, but when Mum said the author I was fairly sure which trilogy Aunty meant....I looked for these and found that the author had published around 15 books. I did find all three titles, that I thought were wanted on Amazon....and the next day found one on the market secondhand book stall. Yesterday Mum confirmed that the books were the ones I thought, as Aunty's daughters had been to see her. Apparently Uncle M, her husband, was looking for them as well. The elder daughter S called in again yesterday and Mum mentioned she'd asked me to look for them, and could she let her know if Uncle M found them. Mum told cousin S that they were out of print, and my cousin said, "well Dad won't find them then, cos he won't look that hard!"
Today I walked the dogs down to a huge secondhand book shop on the prom. He didn't have them in, but he knew what I was looking for and said he gets them in quite often. On the way back I called in at the market to see if they had any of the three titles. They had one volume, and three copies of it, so I picked the best one. One down, two to go. I know I'll track them down before Mum and Aunty S's birthdays in late October.
The books are Maisie Mosco's Almond and Raisin trilogy,and I have the third book now, so just the other two to track down, and as Morecambe has lots of charity shops and the huge second hand bookshop I'm sure I'll find them in time. Mum knew that I'd enjoy hunting them down, that is why she asked me, and she lives near a small town that doesn't really have any charity shops.
Monday, 31 August 2009
Friday, 28 August 2009
GCSE results day
Yesterday Edwin and Becki got their GCSE results. They both did really well, gaining the grades they required to continue along their chosen education paths. After collecting and checking their results at school, they then went to sign onto their 6th form options.
Becki is studying Physics, Chemistry, Maths, Music and General Studies, Edwin is studying Art, Geography, Media and General Studies.
Josh also got the grades he needed for the courses he wanted to do and Fluffy got the results she needed in the ones she wants to study, but did have a couple of disappointing results, but she's been having problems with going to school, she's signed up for the subjects she wants to do at our 6th form, and I am sure there will be a marked change in her attendance, as I know she wasn't comfortable at her other school.
Becki, Edwin and Josh had a celebration here last night, Becki's Mum is taking Becki and Edwin out for their tea tonight to celebrate.
Becki is studying Physics, Chemistry, Maths, Music and General Studies, Edwin is studying Art, Geography, Media and General Studies.
Josh also got the grades he needed for the courses he wanted to do and Fluffy got the results she needed in the ones she wants to study, but did have a couple of disappointing results, but she's been having problems with going to school, she's signed up for the subjects she wants to do at our 6th form, and I am sure there will be a marked change in her attendance, as I know she wasn't comfortable at her other school.
Becki, Edwin and Josh had a celebration here last night, Becki's Mum is taking Becki and Edwin out for their tea tonight to celebrate.
Mint condition! or Things about me [part 6]
That is how someone described me yesterday, they did mean that I was looking well, as they knew I have been poorly, as regular readers will know. If you are a regular reader you will also know I have a daft sense of humour that is liable to go off at tangents. And my mind did straight after being told I looked in "Mint Condition" , and asked, "do you mean round, a bit white-ish with a hole straight through my middle, or white and crumbly?" After all there are many different kinds of mints. Then my mind started it's whirring, and I started to think of the origin of the saying, which is more than likely to mean condition of coins when they are first "minted", and I know I'm far from that, but it entertained me thinking of all the different types of sweetie mint condition a person could be in.
Again, it's a good job the person who said it to me has come to know I have a daft sense of humour. I got told to learn to take compliments when they are given, instead of joking about them. Don't often get compliments, and that is why I joke about them.
Again, it's a good job the person who said it to me has come to know I have a daft sense of humour. I got told to learn to take compliments when they are given, instead of joking about them. Don't often get compliments, and that is why I joke about them.
Tuesday, 25 August 2009
No...not the ones that stop and search you for contraband when you enter a country.......Things that are done...customarily.
Yesterday I went to collect Sam's car, "Milly", from her work as she was staying behind after work for a drink.
When I went to get her keys from her, she introduced me to a colleague, who she said was the "bouncer".. won't say his name. Anyway, this gentleman when I extended my hand for him to shake took it and kissed it! A custom outdated in the UK by I don't know how many years, but........it felt really nice, and strange.
I do wonder if this is normal in the country the man is from, or is he just a "charmer"?
Yesterday I went to collect Sam's car, "Milly", from her work as she was staying behind after work for a drink.
When I went to get her keys from her, she introduced me to a colleague, who she said was the "bouncer".. won't say his name. Anyway, this gentleman when I extended my hand for him to shake took it and kissed it! A custom outdated in the UK by I don't know how many years, but........it felt really nice, and strange.
I do wonder if this is normal in the country the man is from, or is he just a "charmer"?
Sandcastle weekend
I'm terribly sorry....I did say I would take photos, and post them here.
The Sandcastle competition/festival is usually Sunday only and held on the beach beside the Midland Hotel.
This year it had been extended to cover the whole weekend.
So....on Saturday I walked down the prom looking for signs of activity...it was pretty dull and windy. I walked straight past the beach beside the Midland seeing nothing AT ALL....I walked further on, just past the Dome I saw a sign...."Sand sculptors"....and there they were..above the "imported" beach but only three rather than the advertised four!.
Despite the rain the sculptors were at work, nothing else in evidence anywhere.
Sunday, I walked down to the beach....where the competition was supposed to be taking place....There was no sign, nothing!
Then I get a copy of the free newspaper, the competition took place on the central beach.......behind the Eric Morecambe statue!
Why did the organising body not see fit to put posters up at the Midland Beach to this effect?
Just another shortfall of the local CITY council for our TOWN!
The Sandcastle competition/festival is usually Sunday only and held on the beach beside the Midland Hotel.
This year it had been extended to cover the whole weekend.
So....on Saturday I walked down the prom looking for signs of activity...it was pretty dull and windy. I walked straight past the beach beside the Midland seeing nothing AT ALL....I walked further on, just past the Dome I saw a sign...."Sand sculptors"....and there they were..above the "imported" beach but only three rather than the advertised four!.
Despite the rain the sculptors were at work, nothing else in evidence anywhere.
Sunday, I walked down to the beach....where the competition was supposed to be taking place....There was no sign, nothing!
Then I get a copy of the free newspaper, the competition took place on the central beach.......behind the Eric Morecambe statue!
Why did the organising body not see fit to put posters up at the Midland Beach to this effect?
Just another shortfall of the local CITY council for our TOWN!
Tiring Tuesday
Today...I took Oliver across to Leeds for the Leeds Festival, and returned.
Then I shopped on the way back.
Now am relaxing.
The trip was less than 180 miles around, but due to the location, to go on the motorway would have been a much longer, and more boring trip. So...I went via Skipton and the A roads. We arrived just about 1 pm. I set off back around 2 pm...and returned home via Asda..buying pizza for tea..good job, as no-one had even thought of tea despite there being food in the fridge.
Now I am unwinding with a glass of wine.
I am not going to pick Oliver up from Leeds, I'll pick him up from Lancaster train station...if I have to...although there are trains straight through to Morecambe from Leeds....just Bramham Park...where the festival is held..is east of Leeds. [He'll be OK to get a lift to the station.]
Then I shopped on the way back.
Now am relaxing.
The trip was less than 180 miles around, but due to the location, to go on the motorway would have been a much longer, and more boring trip. So...I went via Skipton and the A roads. We arrived just about 1 pm. I set off back around 2 pm...and returned home via Asda..buying pizza for tea..good job, as no-one had even thought of tea despite there being food in the fridge.
Now I am unwinding with a glass of wine.
I am not going to pick Oliver up from Leeds, I'll pick him up from Lancaster train station...if I have to...although there are trains straight through to Morecambe from Leeds....just Bramham Park...where the festival is held..is east of Leeds. [He'll be OK to get a lift to the station.]
Monday, 24 August 2009

I know I've titled blog-posts why before, but it is a question that constant puzzles me.
The why today is......
Why do people buy cheap cars, then spend a small fortune on them? Well...not so much that as, add body parts etc, so you can't actually tell what sort of car is underneath all the extra bits? These cars always have a really annoying sound system that plays music that sounds as if the car is falling apart as well.
I have seen some horrors around here.
One was a Renault Clio with so many extra body parts it really was difficult to guess what the car originally was.
I have also seen a Jaguar painted metallic purple, with green skirts and spoilers......why?
For heaven's sake...if you can afford a Jaguar, and can afford to run it, why do that? There are tasteful custom made bits that can be added. Or just save your money up and buy a better car.
It also annoys me when they put noisy exhausts on. All they do is make more noise, and the car burns more fuel. It doesn't make the car any more powerful.
One I saw last week made me want to cry though...I saw a yellow MGZR with mudflaps, but they were just yellow plastic....why? MG parts are still available, and surely they do co-ordinated mudflaps.
I'm not against all attempts at making your car look different though, as the picture shows. It's Sam's car, Milly, she put the patches of black vinyl on it before going to Download last year, needless to say she didn't lose where she had parked it. It also has a horn that moos, alongside the standard one. You'd have to meet her to know it is totally in keeping, makes her car individual, not an attempt to soup it up in anyway. And it only cost her about £20 for the vinyl, and a lot of patience. [That sort of customising is good, as it makes cars individual. Like tribal markings some people have on their cars, but it would be better if they actually knew what they meant.]
Friday, 21 August 2009
strange few days
These last few days I have felt like have been suspended in a bubble......I don't know if the bubble is protecting me......or just waiting for the right moment to drop me into the thick of things
However...I have gained a very clear idea of exactly what I would like in my future, and if I can't have what I would truly like then I would rather be alone. Being as I have been told more than once by fortune-tellers that I will live to be well over 80...that could be a very long lonely time.
But...I'd rather be properly happy or alone, than settle for second best....crumbs from another's table.
I know both my grandma's did it, but by being widowed...for 17 and 11 years each....I know that I might face longer than that....but I don't want to be with anyone who doesn't care.
And being as I am still in love with someone very dear to me...it ain't going to happen for ages.
However...I have gained a very clear idea of exactly what I would like in my future, and if I can't have what I would truly like then I would rather be alone. Being as I have been told more than once by fortune-tellers that I will live to be well over 80...that could be a very long lonely time.
But...I'd rather be properly happy or alone, than settle for second best....crumbs from another's table.
I know both my grandma's did it, but by being widowed...for 17 and 11 years each....I know that I might face longer than that....but I don't want to be with anyone who doesn't care.
And being as I am still in love with someone very dear to me...it ain't going to happen for ages.
Monday, 17 August 2009
unusual post
This is about what I want/would like.
I want to be loved....for me
Not for what I can do for the other person
Not because I feel obliged, but ....because there is genuine feeling between us.
I don't want to be a mistress.
I don't want to be the person who is turned to when another is feeling down.... all the time, and never have my feelings considered.
I would love to be loved for me
This might not make sense, but anyone who wants the same things as I do will understand.
I want to be loved....for me
Not for what I can do for the other person
Not because I feel obliged, but ....because there is genuine feeling between us.
I don't want to be a mistress.
I don't want to be the person who is turned to when another is feeling down.... all the time, and never have my feelings considered.
I would love to be loved for me
This might not make sense, but anyone who wants the same things as I do will understand.
Saturday, 15 August 2009
Blue's happy
I got an e-mail this morning from my friend, Blue, in the USA.
The gist of it is that she is happy, she's dog sitting for her cousin. Her cousin has digital cable TV, so can receive the USA channels that air the stuff that is shown on Dave TV in the UK.
Whilst she was here last January we watched a fair bit of Dave as I had only just had an operation on my ankle in December, Blue enjoyed it.
The gist of it is that she is happy, she's dog sitting for her cousin. Her cousin has digital cable TV, so can receive the USA channels that air the stuff that is shown on Dave TV in the UK.
Whilst she was here last January we watched a fair bit of Dave as I had only just had an operation on my ankle in December, Blue enjoyed it.
Sandcastle competition weekend
I haven't been down to the promenade as yet, but the wind is blowing quite strongly, and it's raining. Not the best weather for being on the beach making sandcastles. The competition is usually on Sunday, but I saw a poster saying that it was extended to encompass Saturday as well. All I can say is ...if it is today as well, at least the sand will be more workable being wet.
Friday, 14 August 2009
Random stuff
Yesterday I walked the dogs down to the market, on the way back I stopped to talk to the owner of one of the hotels. Whilst we were talking a man walked past me, but not very fast. When I carried on walking home I caught up with him. As I was walking behind him I noticed he was carrying two handheld steam cleaners, these were identical. [Now if you are a regular reader of my blog, you will know my mind has a tendency to fly off at tangents, so I just had to ask this man a question.]
When I drew level with him I asked,
"Is one of those for a present, or are they your chosen weapons?"
Luckily the man was on a similar wavelength. [As Samantha said when I told her...anyone who thinks a steam cleaner is a good birthday present is probably as daft as I am......No! I wasn't offended by that comment.]
He confirmed one was a present, and not his weapon of choice, for an impending duel.
Drat, wouldn't have minded seeing a duel with steam cleaners....I'd love to see the other person's face when he turned up with a "matched pair" of duelling steam cleaners.
Now my brain is off again, and I am thinking perhaps I should look up duelling etiquette. At least it would be a clean fight.
When I drew level with him I asked,
"Is one of those for a present, or are they your chosen weapons?"
Luckily the man was on a similar wavelength. [As Samantha said when I told her...anyone who thinks a steam cleaner is a good birthday present is probably as daft as I am......No! I wasn't offended by that comment.]
He confirmed one was a present, and not his weapon of choice, for an impending duel.
Drat, wouldn't have minded seeing a duel with steam cleaners....I'd love to see the other person's face when he turned up with a "matched pair" of duelling steam cleaners.
Now my brain is off again, and I am thinking perhaps I should look up duelling etiquette. At least it would be a clean fight.
Wednesday, 12 August 2009
Catching up
Am slowly but surely catching up with things on the blogs I contribute towards.
Have just posted about the books that kept me occupied whilst without my pc. Now have to take photos of the knitting I have done so I can post them on Fidgetty Fingers.
This weekend is the sandcastle weekend. I hope to get some pictures of those, must put the software for my new camera on the pc, then I can use that to take the pictures, they should be better quality. :)
Have just posted about the books that kept me occupied whilst without my pc. Now have to take photos of the knitting I have done so I can post them on Fidgetty Fingers.
This weekend is the sandcastle weekend. I hope to get some pictures of those, must put the software for my new camera on the pc, then I can use that to take the pictures, they should be better quality. :)
Tuesday, 11 August 2009
Catch up time
Last Wednesday I got Midori back :D :D :D (wish I could do smileys on here.)
On Friday Oliver and I went for a picnic along the Trough of Bowland road.
I've been knitting and reading quite a lot while I have been without my car and pc. I'll post about those on Book Addicts Anonymous and Fidgetty Fingers as soon as I can.
Yesterday I picked my pc back up, it was the power supply that had gone, for a second time.
Today is the first time I have felt fit enough to swim since the end of May, I only did 20 lengths, but that is better than none at all.
Today has been very hectic, what with one thing and another.
There is one thing that really annoys me though, and that is, when I have been to Asda recently, lines are disappearing, and there are frequently single bottles of soda water, but the four packs are nowhere to be seen. I like drinking soda water, so tend to buy quite a bit. 3 single bottles are on offer at £1.20, but 4 packed together cost £1.42....ah well!
On Friday Oliver and I went for a picnic along the Trough of Bowland road.
I've been knitting and reading quite a lot while I have been without my car and pc. I'll post about those on Book Addicts Anonymous and Fidgetty Fingers as soon as I can.
Yesterday I picked my pc back up, it was the power supply that had gone, for a second time.
Today is the first time I have felt fit enough to swim since the end of May, I only did 20 lengths, but that is better than none at all.
Today has been very hectic, what with one thing and another.
There is one thing that really annoys me though, and that is, when I have been to Asda recently, lines are disappearing, and there are frequently single bottles of soda water, but the four packs are nowhere to be seen. I like drinking soda water, so tend to buy quite a bit. 3 single bottles are on offer at £1.20, but 4 packed together cost £1.42....ah well!
Monday, 10 August 2009
Sunday, 2 August 2009
Waiting for repairs
At the moment I am waiting for my car, Midori, to be returned, and I have to take my pc to be repaired. Am also waiting for full sensation to return into my left arm and shoulder after trapping the nerve two weeks ago.
One thing I don't have to wait for any longer is Oliver's return from his backpacking trip. I will be driving down to Preston to collect him later, as the trains don't stop at Lancaster after around 10.30pm-ish?
Am just using Samantha's pc to make this post. Don't worry, am still here.
One thing I don't have to wait for any longer is Oliver's return from his backpacking trip. I will be driving down to Preston to collect him later, as the trains don't stop at Lancaster after around 10.30pm-ish?
Am just using Samantha's pc to make this post. Don't worry, am still here.
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