Monday, 24 November 2008
It wasn't my fault!
Well, I work in a school, so when do you think they are carried out? At the change of lessons, or just before/during/after? No, they are usually when a lesson is halfway through,and the teacher is half expecting it, so they don't particularly engage the children's attention.
So what happens when it is for real? Like today, well the evacuation works reasonably well, but.....why when the pupils had been told to go to the junior block dining room for their inners, did the insist on trying to go back into the main block where the fire had been? After 35 minutes the all clear was given.
What had been the cause of the smelly electrical type fire? A faulty light fitting. I had switched the light on it the store, and left it on. [It is normally left on] And that is here the fire was, it was the light I switched on. I suppose it was very lucky as the server for the computers in that part of the school is in that room, and it was unharmed.
It wasn't my fault...the light is needed in that room and generally left on.
Oh and it made the local newspaper, must have been a slow news day.
Sunday, 23 November 2008
Quiet week and weekend
It was entertaining to see that PIRATES! had hijacked a supertanker. Anyone who reads my blog will know that my three are pirate mad. I love this adaptation of Kenya from Weebl's stuff on the pirate theme. (By the way they don't seem to be "growing out" of the pirate stage, suppose they never will. Perhaps I should join them and dress up as pirate myself next time they decide to.)
Saturday, 15 November 2008
And for this Saturday's entertainment
Five to ten minutes later the fire engine is on it's way. I presume they went to the houses that have are being done up in the street and are vacant.
If I find out what was the reason for the visit I will post.
Mind you it's still early here; time for more upsets later on. I hope not as I have been sleeping badly, and Tuesday/Wednesday's disturbance robbed me of quite a few hours sleep
I couldn't do that job.
- Ability to hold the opposing viewpoint, even if you actually agree with whatever the person is saying.
- Make promises in order to obtain the post,and then promptly forget all your promises when you are appointed.
- Have a keen sense of paranoia, especially when considering what other people in the same job are saying about a subject.
- Have a thick skin.
- Not mind having your every move documented by the media, if you ever become good enough at the job.
- The ability to refuse other people a decent living wage, but gladly agree to your own wage rise.
I'm sure I have missed some qualities off this list, but I do know it is a job I could never do. If anyone has any idea what post/job I think requires these qualities, or can supply a few more qualities, please let me know. There isn't a prize unfortunately, it's just for fun.

However, although I am satisfied with the result, I couldn't see myself wearing it, ever, I'd have different colours. So I put it in the staffroom at work with a note saying if anyone wanted it, they could have it, just give a donation to Children in Need.
Before I did this Sam tried it on, she loved it, but would like a black one. Today I went to the market, bought a huge ball of black wool and a circular needle. Am sure have the correct size in my workbox, but the this moment in time my workbox is buried under a pile of things. And once I knit one black earflap hat, I'm sure that there will be more requests and the black wool will soon disappear.
I also managed to put quite a few more stitches in the remaining birth sampler I have been cross stitching for work colleagues. This last one is taking some time; as it is mother and baby giraffe and the colours are very close. The effect is worth the effort though.
The other thing I have started to do this week is sort out seasonal presents. With only Oliver to sort something major out for now, and my youngest niece. I no longer buy anything for my other nieces and nephews as they are all over 21.
While I was at the market I found three prefect Xmas cards for Mum and Dad, and a couple of good friends. All three are humourous, and although they were expensive, I am sure they will be appreciated.
Wednesday, 12 November 2008
However two things prompted me to tackle what I am knitting right now; one was buying a hat with earflaps for my youngest's girlfriend, and the other was I found this wonderful wool that is just begging to be made up into something. So I looked for a hat with earflaps pattern, eventually found one, but it is knitted on double pointed needles in the round. So I have had to transcribe the pattern in my head so it can be done on two needles. ( I do have double pointed needles, and circular ones, but I can't get at them right now.) As the hat is knitted from the crown downwards the first few rows are difficult, but I'm sure once I have got the required number of stitches, the stiffness will ease. I promise to post a photo of the finished hat.
It's NOT the weekend.
As the noise had woken me up I looked out of the window to see what was going on. There was a woman screeching at this man, and aiming drunken punches at him. A lot of fighting was going on, I rang the police. after I had called the police, one man was held by one or two men and kicked, just like they show on TV and in films. I wouldn't have believed people could be so vicious if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes. The police came, eventually, but it took ages for me to get back to sleep. The whole incident shook me.
I've had a call tonight from the police, it is going to court, as there were three lots of damage caused.
I don't have to watch TV for entertainment, when it regularly happens just outside. Only difference is, real life is scary when it's as close as this gets.
Oh! And why the title I have given this post? Because it is normally Friday, Saturday or Sunday when things kick off like this.
The Return of Rude Food?

Anyway, the link says much more about this subject, that I prefer to think of as EU lunacy
Saturday, 8 November 2008
Where do they get their money?
Fireworks going off since 4pm tonight.
Each one seems louder that the last,
Each successive ones giving me a fright.
It’s been going on for over a week.
In the car park behind Coach Mews
A firework spark set the whole box alight.
They didn’t panic they knew what to do.
Shoved a mattress on top of it.
Well, wouldn’t you?
Everyone has one just lying around.
I pray that their money will run out,
lighting fireworks is all their life is about.
Perhaps tomorrow there will be none.
Then Spark can have the late walk,
He longs to go on.
It’s not him they scare,
He’s as brave as can be.
It’s not him they scare.
The scared one is me.
I wrote that poem back in 2002. Where I live now, there are more idiots around with more money than sense, and fireworks seem to start in mid October, and go on until mid November.
I'll be honest, I am amazed that the general public are allowed to buy fireworks these days. Long gone are the genteel fireworks of my childhood. Now it seems bigger and louder are better. What also amazes me is as the fireworks get bigger no-one seems to have anticipated the potential "terrorist" mischief that could be caused. After all, anyone can go into a firework shop, and providing they are over 18, they can buy fireworks. And these days you can buy huge rockets, and batteries! Perhaps I am being a scaredy cat, but what would happen if several of these were bought, and set off in an enclosed space, for example, a shopping centre? The chaos that would cause shouldn't happen. I wish our government would make fireworks only available to people with licenses to put on public displays...after all we are talking about gunpowder in the hands of people who are unaware of the potential.
for further information about UK "Bonfire Night" and Guy Fawkes
and here am I wondering if I should approach my local MP about the sale of fireworks? It really depends on where she spent the or Westminster. If she spent it here, she will know why I am concerned. The firework code does say that fireworks should not be let off within 20, (or is it 30ft,) of a public highway? That is blatantly disregarded here. some even being let off in the middle of the public highway!!!!.
For the past week, and more, I have not taken my dogs out after dark! What happened to Bonfire Night being just one it lasts around a month!
Second apology is from me, my PC was very poorly and I didn't have access to my own machine for over a week. I was very lucky and got it fixed, and tomorrow I am baking a cake for the person who fixed it for me. Bartering is alive and well in North Lancashire.
I suppose I should start to think about seasonal pressies and buying them. Last weekend I picked up a beautiful china cup and coaster which will be part of Mum's present. It has Goldfinches on it, she has them visit her garden regularly.
I have just looked and the USA Goldfinch looks more like our Greenfinch. Not being biased, but ours is much prettier
This mug I bought was one for £3.99 or two for £5, so I got two, the second on has the European Barn Owl on it, or in USA "speak" a screech owl. Think I might keep that one for myself.
Not sure what I will be getting for seasonal pressies for people. I have "Old Bean's" sorted, but that is probably the only one, and I had better sort out posting it soon.
On Monday I posted a piece of cheese to Old Bean. It cost more to post than the cheese cost!
Why can't someone over there get their act together, and import the various British cheeses? Anyway, as I told Old's the most expensive piece of cheese she will ever eat, hope she enjoys it.