Wednesday 23 January 2019

"Celebrity" crusades

I believe that certain celebrities are taking exception to telling their kids fairy tales, and letting them watch Disney films of the fairy tales.
At first this seems like a good idea. Their, the celebrities, argument is that the female lead characters have unrealistic ideals. But....that's because through the years the original stories have been softened in order to be more child friendly.
Hans Christian Andersen and the brothers Grimm collected folk tales and made them child friendly, although I believe that the Little Mermaid was Andersen's own story.
If you read the the folk tales that today's fairy tales are based on, you'll find much darker tales.
Cinderella, for instance, has several tales that it was developed from. Some of the tales are quite violent in places. They were usually told around the fire at night, after the evening meal, and before turning in for the night. Normally shared by mainly adult audiences.

If the Hollywood celebrities read the original tales, they might change their minds.
Also, it might be more useful to teach their children the difference between fact and fiction, but maybe people who make a living out of being someone else have lost understanding of the difference between fact and fiction themselves?

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