Wednesday 3 November 2021


 I was brought up to respect my elders, and not question them.  The adage being that "they knew better".  Presumably, because of the life experience they had gone through. 

However, when you're an adult yourself, do you still have to take an "elder's" opinion as to the way something should be done as the correct way?  When they say things that are hurtful, do you take it on the chin, and say nothing?  

In their eyes reacting would be seen as disrespect. 

I'm torn.  I have brought up my three to be respectful, but also, do what is right, and question anything that doesn't ring true. (In other words, I don't expect them to accept everything I say and do to be the RIGHT way, and everything else is wrong.) 

So, do I tell the person in question, my mum, that some things she says to me are hurtful, or do I continue until there's only one of us left?  Which will make me miserable every time she says something judgemental aimed at me. 

Are you allowed  to tell your parents that they are saying hurtful things, even when you are an adult? 

And surely respect should be a two-way street? 

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