Thursday 2 September 2010

Butterfly count closed

The Big Butterfly Count closed on 31/8/10, or for anyone who isn't from UK..31st August 2010!
The findings of the count's throughout August are here
Today at work within five minutes I spotted five butterflies, one I have never seen before. What species? soon.
Behind my workplace, a school, are the local allotments. I know one of the allotment keepers has bees, as he works at the school. So despite the school being possibly classed as urban environment, there are the allotments close by.
The butterflies I spotted were small white, 2 tortoiseshell and red admiral.....the fifth..never seen before...the closest to what I saw is the Silver Washed Frittilary...the yellower one.
I'll be was yellow and black, and I know I have never seen one before...and was flying fairly low.
Have enjoyed spotting I need to check if our swifts are where they normally are this time of year...means walking the dogs later, but OK about that...
The bats are still in the alleyway behind my house, am glad to see that..I thought their roost was subject to arson earlier this year, so am happy to see them.

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