Friday, 28 February 2025

I wonder?

 At the moment I am "house/cat" sitting, but really to keep an eye on Mum. (Aging health problems.) 

Anyway, Mum watches Drama channel all day.  When I was there earlier an advert was on about Water Aid.  If you are unaware what Water Aid is about, it's a charity that collects donations that are used to help bring clean water into developing countries.

Mum got quite upset about the small child collecting filthy water. 

It made me wonder, in these countries, I bet the "monied" people don have to collect their water in this fashion!  They probably turn a tap, as we do.  In which case, why the huge disparity? And why don't the "monied" do more to help, which I consider a rhetorical question.  As it's obvious to me, if you keep a section of society in a vulnerable position, they're more likely to do your bidding, if they think it might better their position.

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