Tuesday 2 April 2019

The hydrotherapy session that never was.

I am beginning to wonder if I will ever get to hydrotherapy.
I was referred by the podiatrist before Xmas, there is a waiting list, so I had to wait.
The first one I had to cancel because I had a streaming cold, and it had affected my asthma. (The letter they send with your appointment states not to attend if you have any of four conditions.)
Roll forwards to mid March, I got a chest infection, so had to cancel again, as that is one of the "no,no's......so, it was rearranged for today.
So....here I am costume, towel, shampoo at the ready.....the phone rings.....it's the booking service...the physiotherapist who takes the session is ill, so today is cancelled.
As the sessions are held in the pool at the local special needs school, there's none for the next two weeks, due to the school being closed over the Easter holiday.
I wonder........will hydrotherapy ever happen.......meanwhile....I'm off for a soak in the bath. 😂

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