Friday 6 January 2017

Plans/targets/aims for 2017

If you follow my blog, you'll know that I don't make resolutions, as they are soon broken.  I like to set myself targets/aims, or make plans for the coming year.

This year one of my targets is to gain employment in some shape or form.
Another is to try to ease myself back into writing regularly, last year, I Kindle published a collection of poetry, that used different skills, as I had to prepare the poetry in the correct format.
Trying out different recipes is another that is a regular, but with so many recipes, it's always nice to give something different a try.

I must try to gather presents for Christmas throughout the year, and wrap as I go along, keeping a list of bought presents.

Reading goes without question.

Again this year, try to read a translated book, a classic, a Shakespeare play, and something that I wouldn't normally read.
I think the last, I am probably doing now, as the book I am reading is a romantic type, but not in the normal sense of the word.  In this book the main character is in a new location, she's falling in love with the surroundings, more than a person, and some of her previous preconceptions are being brought into question and either being reconsidered, or discarded.  An interesting book, but not what I usually read, and the strange thing is Angel Raphael features quite strongly in it.

I must also find time to put the various craft ideas brewing in my head, into action.

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