Saturday, 11 May 2019

The kid who said "Wow".

I think that it might start a trend.
The kid who said Wow at the end of a performance is not the first child to be taken to a classical performance, and won't be the last.
I hope that children don't start doing it at the end of every performance.
As I said, it's not rare. As a child I was a brass band that dad played in a brass band, and back then the band would go to competitions, and performances on a coach, families we would often be part of the audience. We knew to behave.
I took my daughter, when she was about 7 and a half to a performance by Evelyn Glennie. She wiggled about, wanting to see the performance better, it was in a flat hall, and the people behind us told her to stand on her chair. She stood on her chair almost hypnotised by the speed of Evelyn Glennie's hands. She climbed down and whispered in my ear, "she's got nothing on her feet,Mum".  I knew this, as that's how she listens to the music, being profoundly deaf.
I was lucky enough to see Ms Glennie again with my elder son in Liverpool. She's extremely entertaining.