Saturday, 4 August 2018


So......I had an operation on my left foot/ankle, again!
To amuse myself, and let friends know how I am, I have been writing posts on Facebook, as if I am my cat, Raphael.
I decided to gather them up and created a blog for Raphael.
It is called Raphael's blog.
Here's today's post.
Raphael's blog day 8
Yesterday slave Jean was braver, maybe she's getting a little better now?
She made her own dinner, just a sandwich, and washed the pots that were waiting to be washed.
I think that she might be getting stronger in her front legs too, as she doesn't look so tired after using the sticks.
That will be me lying across the white thing, and....I have found her toes sticking out, so I gave them lots of gentle headbumps through the day.
Jean spent quite a time talking on the phone about something, there were 4 calls, I think. At first she looked worried, but after the last, she was smiling.
The horse pickle gave her some pills to take, they only gave 10 days, they said the doctor would give the rest, but the doctor is not allowed to give them to Jean, only horse pickles can.
There was something in a letter that made Jean cross, but she looked determined after a while, so whoever sent the letter better watch out!